The Jesus Encounter Healing Retreat (JEHR) was conducted from 8th to 10th DECEMBER, 2023. at Vinayalaya.
58 Retreatants attended the same and had a deep experience of the love and healing touch of Jesus
A few of the many testimonials, are listed below.
- The Lord showed me two balls of fire on the heads of two youth attending the retreat, they were later healed from depression and being unable to pray and were filled with the Holy Spirit.
- I was healed from hearing sounds and ringing in my ears. I praise and thank God for all the blessings received.
- An issue with my tenant had upset me since a long time. But the Holy Spirit touched me and now I feel totally calm and relaxed.
- I was struggling with broken friendships, work disappointments and the problem of being used or people taking advantage of me. This retreat made me realise I had Pride and now I learnt to develop the ‘opposite good habit’ and also a deep sense to begin a new in life.
- I was falling into a particular sin time and again. The Lord revealed it to me during spiritual advise even though I did not tell them about my sin. I now know that I need to stay away from that sin.
- While being given spiritual advise, the person prayed over me. When I came in to attend Praise and worship, I saw a white dove flying towards me and during the Infilling my hands were heated up with the fire of the Holy Spirit. I was truly blessed.
- My name was called out during the Inner healing saying – Jesus is with me and will take control of my situation. My fears and tensions about my career were completely removed.
- I prayed to God one week before the retreat to touch my head only then would I believe the retreat worked for me. The preacher laid his hands only on my head during Adoration and said the Holy Spirit has asked me to do this and I never do this during Adoration. I praise Jesus for this miracle.
- While singing the hymn – ‘Time after time he has waited before’, I felt Jesus knocking on the door of my heart. I felt a Jesus experience.
- My daughter was suffering from severe depression and was on heavy medication. She used to sleep only 4-5 hrs inspite of medication. But at the retreat house, she slept very well, her name was called out during Adoration too and I firmly believe Jesus has touched her.
- During Inner healing, tears were just rolling down my face and while being prayed over during Infilling of the Holy Spirit, I felt someone pushed me behind. Very blessed to have attended this retreat and will put everything into practice.
- During Adoration, I saw a picture of Jesus with the crown of thorns. I felt blessed to come for this retreat and learnt a lot from the teachings.